
Tuesday, 24 May 2011

St. Ann Parish Council Focuses on Youth for Labour Day

The Beechertown Primary School and The Rhoden Hall Basic School saw much needed upgrades on Monday May 23. This as the St. Ann's Parish Council initiated improvements to the facilities at both schools, in keeping with this year's Labour Day theme "It takes a village to raise a child."

One project saw the completion of a computer lab at Beechertown Primary School, while the other completed the fencing at the Rhoden Hall Basic School.

Her Worship Vinette Robb, Mayor of St. Ann's Bay is particularly pleased with the donation, which Flow initiated, "Flow found us! They just came on board in Ocho Rios and knowing about the Labour Day project, they approached us with a much needed donation of $50,000," Mayor Robb said. The Mayor was also pleased that Flow did not just donate cash, but that the staff joined the labour efforts on Monday.  "The Parish Council and especially the communities of Beechertown and Rhoden are very grateful for Flow's involvement. To me it is tremendous that there is a company that without asking would offer their assistance."

St. Ann is one of six parishes including St. James, St. Mary, Manchester, Portland, and St. Catherine to which Flow donated $50,000 each, in aid of their respective Labour Day projects.  Flow also contributed to the National Labour Day activity.

Most projects were focused on improving the lives of children in the area, focusing on preemptive measures to ensure the educational and physical well-being of the children who attend schools in the area.  "This was very important to us at Flow, says Denise Williams, PR Manager at the Broadband company.  Flow has always maintain a focus on youth in our outreach activities and it is gratifying when we can participate in efforts such as these and be a part of the community that raises a child.  We are very excited to be on board and look forward to the benefits that the children will reap."

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